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Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK)

Current Theses for all TIK Groups

B = Bachelor, G = Group, M = Master, S = Semester

  title category type contact/supervisor assigned student(s) thesis number edit
Designing the Next ARC Challenge M Saku Peltonen,
Andreas Plesner
HS 25 MA-2025-37
Recopmression B Till Aczel FS 25 BA-2025-01
Abstract Reasoning Corpus (ARC) Challenge M Frédéric Berdoz HS 24 MA-2024-30
Adversarial examples and robust classifiers M Andreas Plesner HS 24 MA-2024-27
AI-generated Yield Curves B Daniela Brauckhoff,
Andreas Plesner
HS 24 BA-2024-30
Audio Editing M Luca Lanzendörfer,
Florian Grötschla
HS 24 MA-2024-35
Automated Foosball Tracking B Joël Mathys,
Till Aczel
HS 24 BA-2024-12
Chaos Testing Blockchain Networks: Simulating Real-World Failures M Yann Vonlanthen HS 24 MA-2024-32
DAO Governance Aggregation B Arthur Gervais HS 24 BA-2024-11
DeepEye: Benchmarking & Generalization B Ard Kastrati HS 24 BA-2024-20
DeepEye: Benchmarking Platform B Ard Kastrati HS 24 BA-2024-19
Egocentric Action Recognition M Ard Kastrati HS 24 MA-2024-21
Empirical Analysis of Blockchain Payment Systems B Saku Peltonen,
Lioba Heimbach
HS 24 BA-2024-26
Empirical Analysis of Prediction Markets B Lioba Heimbach,
Quentin Kniep
HS 24 BA-2024-14
Evaluating Fast FeedForward Networks S Andreas Plesner HS 24 SA-2024-28
Foundation Models for Decoding Brain Activity - Benchmarking B Ard Kastrati HS 24 BA-2024-24
Foundation Models for Decoding Brain Activity - Models M Ard Kastrati HS 24 MA-2024-33
Giving ChatGPT a Virtual Body S Ard Kastrati HS 24 SA-2024-26
Human-aligned Compression for Robust Models S Andreas Plesner,
Till Aczel
HS 24 SA-2024-27
Layer-2s and MEV B Lioba Heimbach,
Yann Vonlanthen
HS 24 BA-2024-29
LLMs for contract negotiation M Andreas Plesner HS 24 MA-2024-20
Morality in Sequential Games B Damien Berriaud,
Andrei Constantinescu
HS 24 BA-2024-13
Multi-modal Contrastive Learning for Emotion Recognition M Ard Kastrati HS 24 MA-2024-31
Neural Fluid Simulation with GNNs S Joël Mathys,
Florian Grötschla
HS 24 SA-2024-23
Neural Networks for EEG Data: Compression and Reconstruction Validation S Ard Kastrati,
Luca Lanzendörfer
HS 24 SA-2024-25
Neural Node Overlap Removal with GNNs B Florian Grötschla HS 24 BA-2024-28
Optimizing Encoding Speed for Image Compression M Till Aczel HS 24 MA-2024-36
Order Book Reconstruction, Analysis, and Visualization M Luca Lanzendörfer HS 24 MA-2024-26
Recommender Systems for Politics S Frédéric Berdoz,
Yann Vonlanthen
HS 24 SA-2024-24
Stability of Adversarial Examples B Andreas Plesner HS 24 BA-2024-27
Stock Market Prediction M Joël Mathys,
Ruedi Delacour
HS 24 MA-2024-34
Text-to-Mel B Luca Lanzendörfer,
Florian Grötschla
HS 24 BA-2024-15
Transfer Learning for Graph Recommendation Systems B Florian Grötschla,
Luca Lanzendörfer
HS 24 BA-2024-16
Unified Model for EEG-based Eye Tracking B Ard Kastrati HS 24 BA-2024-18
View-Specific Video Compression B Till Aczel HS 24 BA-2024-25
Volatility Forecasting and Regime Detection for Options Trading M Frédéric Berdoz,
Ruedi Delacour
HS 24 MA-2024-29
Voting for Coalitions B Andrei Constantinescu HS 24 BA-2024-17
Wave Function Collapse for Graph Generation S Till Aczel,
Joël Mathys
HS 24 SA-2024-22
Kantian Moralists and Altruists Game Theory M Damien Berriaud,
Andrei Constantinescu
HS 24 MA-2024-28
Game Theory for Games: Algorithms and Axioms G Andrei Constantinescu FS 24 GA-2024-03
Graphs in Medicine: Working with Blood Vessel Networks M Joël Mathys,
Andreas Plesner
FS 24 MA-2024-25
Hierarchical Representations for Transformers M Benjamin Estermann FS 24 MA-2024-18
Learning from Demonstrations G Benjamin Estermann FS 24 GA-2024-01
Lightning Network + GNNs M Florian Grötschla,
Lioba Heimbach
FS 24 MA-2024-07
Optimal Routing for 2D Mesh-based Analog Compute-In-Memory Accelerator Architecture M William Simon FS 24 MA-2024-09
Puzzle solving with Graph Neural Networks S Joël Mathys,
Benjamin Estermann
FS 24 SA-2024-17
The Emergence of Two-Party Systems G Andrei Constantinescu FS 24 GA-2024-02