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Authors: | Kai Lampka, Lothar Thiele |
Group: | Computer Engineering |
Type: | Misc |
Title: | Towards Integrated Modeling: Analytic Real-time Interfaces for Timed Automata based Component Models |
Year: | 2011 |
Month: | October |
Pub-Key: | [LP:11] |
Keywords: | Interface Theory |
Abstract: | For limiting component's mutual interference one may abstractly model interaction of components as streams of uniform, discrete activity-triggers, rather than using concrete data messages. Such event streams can abstractly be characterized by so called event arrival curves [TCN:00]. Consequently, event arrival curves can be exploited for defining what kinds of traffic patterns a component is willing to accept and, on the level of outputs, defines what kind of stream the component guarantees to emit. It is therefore straight forward to employ these abstract stream descriptions as part of analytic, assume/guarantee (A/G), real-time interfaces. The usage of interfaces not only features an integrated environment for analyzing heterogeneous system models, it also limits complexity of the analysis to the level of components. This is because one only needs to formally prove conformance of component models and their interfaces and because key properties of the overall system can be derived from the A/G interfaces rather than coping with the composed overall system at once. This extended abstract presents the machinery for deriving analytic A/G real-time interfaces based on arrival curves from Timed Automata (TA) [AD:90] based component implementations. |
Howpublished: | Vasteras |
Resources: | [BibTeX] |