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Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK)

List of Publications in BibTeX Format


1 entry found.
 author = {Ludovic Ravanel and Emmanuel Malet and Pierre-Allain Duvillard and Florence Magnin and Philip Deline and Grégoire Guillet and Fabrizio Troilo and Paolo Pogliotti and Umberto Morra Di Cella and Jan Beutel and Stephan Gruber},
 title = {Instrumentation Thermique Et Cinematique Des Parois A Permafrost Du Massif Du Mont Blanc},
 address = {Campus scientifique, 73376 Le Bourget du Lac cedex},
 booktitle = {Collection EDYTEM},
 pages = {27--38},
 month = {Jan},
 year = {2017}

1 entry found.
