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Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK)

List of Publications in BibTeX Format


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 author = {M. Suñé and L. Bergesio and H. Woesner and T. Rothe and A. Köpsel and D. Colle and B. Puype and D. Simeonidou and R. Nejabati and M. Channegowda and M. Kind and T. Dietz and A. Autenrieth and V. Kotronis and E. Salvadori and S. Salsano and M. Körner and S. Sharma},
 title = {Design and implementation of the OFELIA FP7 facility: The European OpenFlow testbed},
 journal = {Computer Networks},
 pages = {132--150},
 volume = {61},
 month = {Mar},
 year = {2014}

1 entry found.
