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Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK)

List of Publications in BibTeX Format


1 entry found.
 author = {C. Fabre and I. Bacivarov and A. Basu and M. Ruggiero and D. Atienza and E. Flamand and JP. Krimm and J. Mottin and L. Schor and P. Kumar and H. Yang and D. Chokshi and L. Thiele and S. Bensalem and M. Bozga and L. Benini and M. Sabry and Y. Leblebici and G. De Micheli and D. Melpignano},
 title = {PRO3D, Programming for Future 3D Manycore Architectures: Project Interim Status},
 address = {Berlin Heidelberg},
 booktitle = {Formal Methods for Components and Objects (FMCO)  - Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS)},
 pages = {277--293},
 volume = {7542},
 month = {Jan},
 year = {2013}

1 entry found.
