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Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK)

List of Publications in BibTeX Format


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 author = {Lars Schor and Iuliana Bacivarov and Luis Gabriel Murillo and Pier Stanislao Paolucci and Frederic  Rousseau and Ashraf El Antably and Robert Buecs and Nicolas Fournel and Rainer Leupers and Devendra Rai and Lothar Thiele and Laura Tosoratto and Piero Vicini and Jan Weinstock},
 title = {EURETILE Design Flow: Dynamic and Fault Tolerant Mapping of Multiple Applications onto Many-Tile Systems},
 address = {Milan, Italy},
 booktitle = {Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications Article (ISPA)},
 pages = {182--189},
 publisher = {IEEE Computer},
 month = {Aug},
 year = {2014}

1 entry found.
