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Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK)

List of Publications in BibTeX Format


1 entry found.
 author = {Samuel Weber and Jan Beutel and Bernhard Buchli and Stephan Gruber and Tonio Gsell and Roman Lim and Philippe Limpach and Hugo Raetzo and Zhenzhong Su and Felix Sutton and Christoph Walser and Vanessa Wirz},
 title = {PermaSense L1-GPS for kinematic monitoring},
 address = {Évora, Portugal},
 booktitle = {Book of Abstracts of EUCOP4 – 4th European Conference on Permafrost},
 pages = {186--187},
 publisher = {University of Lisbon and the University of Évora},
 month = {Jun},
 year = {2014}

1 entry found.
